Macronix is India’s fastest growing background verification company with Pan-India coverage.
#15 Ananda Nilayam, 2nd Main,2nd Cross, Vivekananda Colony,
Kanakapura Main Road Banashankari, Bangalore-560078, India
Manipulated educational records, tampered salary slips, pervasive ideologies, extremist socio-political views and petulant behaviors cause irrecoverable damage to the brand name. Nevertheless, by verifying the backgrounds of the new hires in 360-degree view companies can, therefore, keep the workspace sanctimonious that in turn preserves the trust among stakeholders and society at large.
Education qualification claimed by the employee is validated against the document provided
Validation of relieving or service letter submitted by the employee’s work experience.
Physical site visit or geo-tagged address verification of current or permanent address of the candidate.
A testament to candidate’s credibility and claimed skill set verified by contacting candidate’s reporting manager
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