WHY macronix

Macronix, with its technologically advanced tools and wide-spread network, helps organizations and governments by providing them accurate reports on resources’ educational qualifications, the authenticity of their past experience, college enrollment, bank pay slips, and etc. Much to our commitment to strengthen integrity in organizations.

Having roots all across India, Macronix is equipped to serve from start-ups to multinational companies and from IT industry to Manufacturing industry. We engage with corporations that essentially are figuring out ways to cut costs invalidating the records of their employees yet maintain the same or higher standards of detecting dubious backgrounds. Our spectrum of services covers the below-mentioned sectors.
• Recruitment Agencies
• Medium & Large Sized Businesses
• Central Government Organizations
• Public and Privately Held Companies
• Not-for-Profit Clients
• Fortune 500 & 1000 Companies
• PState Government Organizations
• Banking, Finance & Funding Institutions
• Health Insurance Companies

“Manpower forms the spine of any organization."

Organizations are known to be built on robust structure and driven by growth yielding strategies to sustain in this ever-transforming & cut-throat competitive space. However, culture is the elixir that gives life to organizational structure to sentinel the strategy. And, culture is what human resources come to gather and create one. That said, best people create best cultures and growth thus follows.

More often than not, even the most stable pillars are crumbled by one undetected and digressed resource. Hence, ensuring and building the most pristine culture that alone carts the legacy of organization calls for screening the resources when they are in early days of probation period.Manipulated educational records, tampered salary slips, pervasive ideologies, extremist socio-political views and petulant behaviors cause irrecoverable damage to the brand name. Nevertheless, by verifying the backgrounds of the new hires in 360-degree view companies can, therefore, keep the workspace sanctimonious that in turn preserves the trust among stakeholders and society at large.


tested for quality and tuned to righteonesness help us to offer reliable solutions our agile systems drive us positively to maintain high level of sturdiness


being flexible has been our success mantra to identify and mitigate risks at in their infancy our proactive functional heads and deligent operational teams ensure reports are delivered with high degree of precision and inside tats.


Our vast presence of nodes at every tier support our operations to get timely and authentic reports Unfazed by uncertainties and taking up challenges to serve you better and better by day motivate us to be in the race.